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Filter packaging
- brown/brown
- white/white
- white/grey
- white/brown
Size of the packaged goods
Length ( mm)
Width ( mm)
Height ( mm)
External dimension of the packaging
All packaging that are not larger than your input will be displayed.
Length ( mm)
Width ( mm)
Height ( mm)
Packaged goods
- Car mirrors, spark plugs & shock absorbers
- Clothing
- Book
- Electronics, sensors & electromechanical assemblies
- Games & Blu-rays
- Calendar
- Cameras & accessories
- Catalogue
- Small parts
- Notebook & Tablet
- File
- Poster
- Jewelry & accessoires
- Smartphone
- Particularly senstive product
Postage type
- Großbrief
- Maxibrief
- Warenpost
- DHL Kleinpaket
- All30
- Universal packagings6
- Mailers6
- Shipping tubes2
- Shipping boxes6
- Retention packaging5
- Paper retention packaging3
- Die-cut packaging / Calender packaging1
- Securing pallets and goods1
- DHL-Kleinpaket7